Thursday, October 15, 2009

Taelyn - 8 Months

Taelyn turned 8 months today, and she is now 20 lbs., 27 inches long, and has a head circumference of 18 inches. This has been a big month for her. Just in the last week, she has gotten two more teeth, making a total of five, and the 6th one is visible but hasn't broken through yet. She is our little jack-o-lantern now! And to celebrate, we carved pumpkins last weekend. Taelyn, of course, spent more time digging her fingers in to the pumpkin and tried to eat the mush.

Taelyn has also been busy moving, moving, moving. She has been rocking on her hands and knees for about a month now (still not quite crawling), and has recently started to straighten her knees while trying to push off of her feet. It looks like she has not mastered what to do with the arms yet. She can also get into a sitting position on her own from a laying position, and she can pull herself up to a stand when using a prop such as stairs.

Her hair has also gotten much thicker this month. We are now using baby shampoo during bath time instead of just bath wash. It won't be long until she can wear little pigtails!

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