Friday, May 17, 2019

First-Degree Blackbelt

The day has finally come when Taelyn officially earned her first-degree black belt in taekwondo!  It has been a very long process over the last year, especially during the last couple of months.  To prepare for her blackbelt testing, Taelyn has been attending taekwondo sessions for 3-6 hours a day, including: 

  • specialty classes such as extreme and creative forms every day before school from 7-7:45 am
  • her regular classes after school from 3-4
  • leading younger belt classes after that from 4-5
  • a combination of regular, leadership, blackbelt-focused, and special seminars from 8-3 on Saturdays.  
It is amazing to see how much she has grown this semester, and it all paid off during her two-day testing sessions.

On day one, Taelyn had to show mastery over all the lower belt forms. In the past, she could advance from one belt to another by showing an understanding of some of the forms up until a certain point.  Each testing focused on a different form as well.  This time, she needed to execute each move flawlessly over every form.  

Then Taelyn had to show the ability to spar with more advanced moves.  Sparring has always been a struggle for her; just a year ago she was running away from her opponent, but now she was able to use more advanced moves and read her opponent’s body language to try to block.

Next, Taelyn did board breaking, using more advanced boards that are harder to break.

On day two, Taelyn had to complete fitness and endurance tests where she had to continually punch a bag for 2 minutes followed by kicking the bag for 2 minutes.  The testing ended with a set number of pushing and 2 minutes of plank.  She was exhausted by the end!  What was especially nice, however, was that all the other older students that have already earned their blackbelt in the past joined in with her during the push-ups and plank, cheering her on along the way.  It felt like she was a part of a blackbelt family, and there were great, positive vibes in the room.

At the end of the two days, Taelyn officially earned her first-degree blackbelt with no hesitations whatsoever.  There was a lovely candle ceremony afterward where her instructor highlighted some key strengths that Taelyn has shown over the last year.  Then she was “crowned” with her blackbelt that is embroidered with her name and rank.  It was such a special day, and we are so proud of her!