Thursday, January 28, 2010

Silly Little Trouble-Maker

Some of Taelyn's most recent favorite activities:

1. Take each shoe off the shoe rack one by one, followed by dancing.
2. Pull all of the Tupperware out of the Tupperware drawer one by one.
3. Pull the clean, folded laundry out of the laundry basket one by one (can you see a pattern here?).
4. Pick up her toys and drop them over and over again. Or if she is in Pooh car in public, she likes to drop items for me to pick up!

Taelyn has also turned in to a bit of a rebel these days. She knows she is not supposed to play with blinds that cover the glass sliding door. But she will crawl over to that area, reach her hand out like she's going to grab the blinds, and then look at me with a big smirk on her face. If I start to say no, she will immediately grab the blinds and smile. If I look away, she will let go. What a little trouble-maker!

Taelyn has had some pretty silly moments as well. I changed her diaper the other night, and she took off ready to play afterwards before I had time to button her pants back up. So I let her roam with open pants. About a half hour later, Justin was holding her, and went to hoist her up higher when he noticed that he was touching bare butt! We searched the apartment and eventually found that she had taken off her diaper and was running around free for a little while. When we finally discovered this, Taelyn started laughing and thought she was pretty clever and funny!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Taelyn - 11 Months

Wow, I can't believe Taelyn is just one month away from one year! She has been maturing more and more this past month that she really seems more like a toddler now than a baby. She is up to speaking a total of 6 words and has 11 teeth. When playing at library time and the baby gym every week, Taelyn is not as interested in the baby toys any more and more energetic. She loves to follow the big kids around and laugh, laugh, laugh at their every move. Around our home, she likes to jump up and down a lot while smiling, laughing, and screaming for joy!

Aside from her constant moving, Taelyn also loves to play with some of her new toys from Christmas. She dances daily to Wall-e, carries Elmo around with her every where, splashes all 25 of her duckies in the bath every day, and loves to ride her new Pooh car throughout stores when we are shopping! We get a lot of comments about that one too.

At 21.5 lbs., Taelyn is also 29 inches long and has a head circumference of 19 inches.