Sunday, March 13, 2011

Taelyn's First Haircut

After two years, we finally took Taelyn in to get her first haircut. Though we love her crazy curls, they are certainly a crazy mess when she wakes up in the morning, so we needed some help. Taelyn did a fantastic job with this new experience. She got to sit in a little pink car while the stylist cut her hair; she had a great time with this part of the day. Soon after he began, however, the stylist learned that an endless amount of detangling spray would not help him cut her hair, so Taelyn then had to get her hair washed. She found this quite interesting and clung to her daddy for support. Once she got back in to her pink car (and with a little help from Abby and a Kit Kat bar), she settled down much better and sat very still for the stylist. Here are a few pictures to recap the day.

Before Shot

Getting Her Hair Washed

Sitting Nicely for the Stylist

Abby Keeps her Company

Kaelia - 9 Months

At nine months, Kaelia is now sparkling with personality. She claps her hands and likes to do so when her sister does something entertaining. And she waves when she is happy. She will often wave while she is eating because she gets very excited to grab her food. Kaelia is eating table foods now in addition to her baby food and formula.

Kaelia has also learned several sounds that she likes to say over and over again so she can "talk" like everyone else. She still says "ba, ba, ba" and has now added "mum," "da," "ga," and "ka" to her vocabulary. She will say "mum, mum, mum, da, da, da" repeatedly, and Taelyn has been trying to get her to say "T, T, T" along with it. Perhaps Kaelia will catch on to that soon.

Kaelia continues to motor around by crawling and cruising along furniture, and she has also attempted to stand alone. This usually lasts for about one second while she has made it four seconds before sitting down.

At this month's doctor's appointment, Kaelia measured 19 lbs., 28 inches tall, and had a head circumference of 17 inches. The doctor was very impressed with her developmental accomplishments as well.

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