Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treat!

We just went on our first trick-or-treating experience as a family tonight, and we had such a good time. Kaelia was an M&M which was quite fitting for her because she often makes the same expression on her face that the M&M guy makes on her onesie. Taelyn was Winnie the Pooh because he is one of her favorite characters these days. When we went to the costume shop to pick out an outfit, she saw the Pooh costume and immediately started saying him name over and over. Then when she tried it on, she didn't want to take off; she walked all around the store staying "Pooh" in her costume. Everyone else in the store certainly seemed to be entertained.

During our trick-or-treating extravaganza, Taelyn did a very good job of saying "trick or treat" before getting her candy (it actually sounded more like "ticky tee") and "thank you" afterward ("tay tee"). And the fact that she got candy every time she said "trick or treat" motivated her even more! When we were done, she wouldn't give up her candy bucket.

Kaelia also did very well as her sister went from house to house. She sat in the stroller, smiling as people admired her while passing by.

It was also fun to see how festive the houses were that participated in the trick-or-treating. They went all-out in decorations and setting the mood of Halloween. While one house had a smoke and bubble maker, others even had haunted rooms or pathways that we had to follow to get to the candy. We all had a wonderful time!

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Monday, October 25, 2010

October Break in Hermanus

Last week was our October holiday where we spent a week in Hermanus, South Africa. It is a quaint town about 1.5 hours south of Capetown. Directly up against the ocean, we stayed in a beautiful 10-person house with a small group of people from our school where we spent most mornings watching wales out at sea. Hermanus is the #1 spot in the world to go wale watching.

Justin also took a trip to go shark cage diving. He was placed in a cage off the side of a boat as lots of chum was thrown in to the water to bait the great white sharks. Then when a shark came by, Justin ducked in to the water in snorkeling gear to see the shark come inches from his body. It was quite the thrill-seeking experience.

We spent a day in Capetown as well where the main focus was climbing Table Mountain. This is a decent hike that normally takes the average person about 2.5 to get to the top. Justin decided to run the trail while I took the girls up the cable car; to both of our surprise, Justin actually beat us to the top by running the trail in 30 minutes! Once we met up, he took the girls for a walk at the top of the mountain while I went for a run amongst the trails there. We witnessed some amazing views, although the fog came in quickly and ruined the visibility.

Another highlight of our trip was visiting local wineries in Hermanus. The town is very well-known for its vineyards and wine. We spent multiple afternoons going from winery to winery, trying some samples and having some lunch. The landscape was impressively beautiful as well.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kaelia - 4 Months

Kaelia had her 4 Month doctor's appointment today. She has not gained much weight since last month (13.8 lbs. now), but she has jumped in length (24.8 inches) and head circumference (15.7 inches). Another physical feature that has emerged this month is with her hair. It is getting longer every week with a couple of curly strands.

Kaelia has been quite fascinated with her hands this month. She loves to stare at them, suck them, and manipulate random objects with them. Sometimes this even includes her sister's hair. Kaelia also had her first laugh. While sitting in her bouncer, I started singing "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar," and when I shouted out "Kaelia," she opened up a huge grin and let out a few giggles. The more I sang the song, the more she laughed! Several days later, I was able to record her cute little chuckles.

Friday, October 8, 2010

ABC's & 123's

Taelyn has been learning the alphabet and to count this past month. With her counting, she is simply reciting numbers up to five, but it is certainly a start. If we start off by saying "1," then she will respond "2." Sometimes it takes a little prodding on our part, but she will count up to five.

Taelyn understands alphabet recognition even better. She likes to spot letters on various items like her blocks, games that we have in the house, and on her alphabet puzzle. She seems to have mastered B, C, D, E, O, T, X, Y, and Z so far and continues to learn more and more letters every week. And thanks to her puzzle, she has even begun to pair letters with objects. This morning, she just said "D duck" and "O octopus" (octopus is a tough word for her, though, so it didn't exactly sound like it should - but we know what she's trying to say).

I know all parents think that their child is a genius, but we really do feel like Taelyn is taking on her numbers and alphabet earlier than most toddlers. And the fact that she loves learning with her puzzle and will initiate the learning is exciting. Who knows? Perhaps she will know the entire alphabet by the time she is two!