Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Little Hockey Players

Justin had some proud father moments this past weekend as his little girls took on their first ice-skating experience. Our school had a middle school social at a skating rink, so we decided to take the entire family there and just see what happens. Taelyn has especially been interested in the idea of skating recently and sometimes asks us to attach objects to the bottoms of her feet so she can skate around the house.

When we got to the rink, it was quite obvious that the girls were going to love it. Taelyn ran to the boards surrounding the ice, saw Justin and some of my students, and immediately asked to be lifted over the wall. Kaelia kept screaming Happy Feet as she saw all of the action.

Next, we found out that the rink had skates in Taelyn's size (real skates, not the double blades), so we put those on to see how she could handle it. She rushed over to my students again, and they spent most of the evening holding her hands and skating her around the rink. Kaelia did not have skates, but that didn't stop her from getting on the ice. She LOVED skating (or more like sliding in her shoes) between her daddy's legs because he was so fast on the ice. The wind left a permanent smile and slicked back hair! By the end of the night, Taelyn said good-bye to my students and just wanted to skate with her daddy. She also liked how fast they went and couldn't seem to get enough.

Once the social was over, we returned our skates and headed out. Taelyn was pretty upset to see that we were actually leaving and not just taking a break. We have heard several pleas from her since then to go skating again. Justin is so excited that his girls not only loved being on the ice like their daddy, but that Taelyn wore her first pair of skates at the age of two. That is even earlier than Justin was when he first skated!

The quality of the pictures below are not great because of the lighting in the ice rink, but they do capture to moment!

Justin and Kaelia skate together.

Justin and Taelyn get a turn together.

The whole skating gang!

Taelyn in action!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Birthday

I celebrated my 31st birthday on the New Year and had a lovely day with my family. We weren't sure whether restaurants would be open on the 1st, so we first went out to dinner on New Year's Eve at a nice Italian restaurant.

The next day, Justin and I played a game of mini golf while the girls tagged along to play in the trees and waterfalls. This is the first time that we have tried to play without a baby-sitter watching the girls. They did pretty well; they pretended that they were a part of Peter Pan and that the crocodile was going to get them. They also tried to play putt-putt with us for a hole, but after Taelyn almost took Kaelia out with her club, they went back to their pirate adventures. I would love to report that I won the game, but sadly Justin beat me by two strokes.

Later on, Taelyn helped me make birthday cupcakes while Kaelia was taking a nap. Taelyn actually picked out the box mix a few days in advance when we were grocery shopping together. It was a Barney cupcake mix with green cake and purple frosting just like the dinosaur. She thought they were pretty special.

To top off the day, we all went out to an Irish pub for some drinks and for the birthday cupcakes. This was definitely Taelyn's favorite part because she loves the idea of singing Happy Birthday and blowing out candles. She doesn't mind eating the cake too much either! After we went through the whole routine with my birthday cupcake, Taelyn put the candle in her own cupcake and asked us to light so she could sing to herself and blow out the candle. This happened several times.

I had such a wonderful day, and I am so thankful to have spent it with my husband and my girls!

Happy New Year everyone!

Christmas in South Africa

To prepare for Christmas this year, the girls learned all about Santa Claus and St. Nicholas. We watched Christmas movies everyday (their absolute favorite was Mickey Mouse's Once Upon a Christmas) and visited Santa at various places. When we saw him at the mall, Taelyn was pretty shy and didn't want to sit on his lap, but she couldn't stop talking about him. Then we saw him again at the Bird Sanctuary, and Taelyn ran over to him for a hug and a picture. Kaelia was not so excited about the visit, though. She cried when we got close to him, and that was the end of her encounter.

We also had a couple of activities to help bring the Christmas mood. I took the girls to the mall for a few days to complete Christmas activities. On one day, Taelyn had to spin a wheel to try to earn a special prize. Her spin landed on a space that required her to answer a Christmas question: What color is a Christmas tree? Taelyn smiled and said "green" and was then given some Christmas cookies (which she gladly shared with her sister). We also received special emails for each of the girls from Santa himself. The emails included pictures of the girls and details about whether they have been naughty or nice this year. The girls loved the emails and watched them over and over again. You can also view these emails at the websites below.

Since we were in Tanzania over Christmas, we celebrated the day when we got back. Our Christmas day was actually on New Years Eve. The night before, we wrote a letter to Santa and left cookies for him and carrots for the reindeer. Then Justin read Twas the Night Before Christmas to the girls, and they were off to bed.

Both girls woke up around the same time the next morning, so we all waited in mommy and daddy's bedroom while Justin put in Mannheim Steamroller's "Deck the Halls" to let us know that it was time to start Christmas. Even though the girls don't remember this song from last Christmas, they had no trouble figuring out that the song meant Santa had come to our house. As soon as they heard it, they ran down the hall (Kaelia actually screamed!) and headed straight for the Christmas tree.

We started with stockings and then moved on to the rest of the presents. Santa was so generous that he even brought presents from Grandma and Grandpa Walker and Pepera out to our house in South Africa! Taelyn had the same response after opening each gift: "that's pretty cool!" while Kaelia screamed in excitement as she opened up most of her presents (there was a lot of screaming from her that morning). They were very happy to see all of their new presents. Some of the highlights were:
1. Taelyn got Kaelia and teddy bear, and Kaelia got Taelyn a pirate dress-up outfit.
2. Grandma and Grandpa Pepera gave the girls some play food and a table and chairs.
3. Grandma and Grandpa Walker gave the girls a play kitchen.
4. Santa brought Kaelia a baby doll and Taelyn Lightning McQueen Mater cars.
5. We got Taelyn a doctor's dress-up set and Kaelia a stroller for her baby doll.
6. Santa also brought both girls a new tent.

The girls have been playing in their playroom non-stop since Christmas. We had to rearrange and decorate it all over again to make room for all their new toys. It has now been almost a week since Christmas and Taelyn is still saying "That was so nice of Santa and Grandma and Grandpa!" at least once a day.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Trip to Tanzania

We spent Christmas in Tanzania this year. Justin got his Christmas present by leaving a few days early to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. After five days of climbing the mountain and reaching the "Top of Africa," he made it back safely and met the girls and I at the airport for our arrival to Tanzania.

To begin our family trip, we had a private driver take us on a couple of safari game drives in a safari jeep where the roof lifts up for better viewing. During the first day, we were greeted with lots of baboons who were not shy around us at all - which also put us a bit on alert to make sure they weren't too aggressive around the kids as we walked around the front entrance, waiting for our driver to get our tickets to enter in to the park. Then we hopped back in to the car and began the drive. Many of the animals that we saw are also in South Africa, but they were slightly different. The giraffe, for example, had spots that were shaped more like X's than squares, and the zebras were more brown and had vertical stripes down their noses. We also saw water buffalo which we have never seen in South Africa.

During this drive, the girls were particularly excited about the zebra. We put them both on the roof top so they could get a better view; they could have stayed there all day! And for the rest of the drive, they had their eyes glued to the window, looking for more zebra. Kaelia even pointed from time to time, saying "zebra," hoping to see some.

The next day, the driver took us to the Ngorongoro Crater for another game drive. Again, we met some baboons while we waited for our driver to purchase our tickets. We all got out of the car and made the mistake of leaving the window halfway down. Instantly, a big baboon jumped in to the jeep and went straight to our lunch basket. Another driver ran over and banged on the window to shoo him out. He jumped out, but then started to charge Justin with Taelyn on his back. Justin jumped back and yelled at him, so he went over to me and Kaelia and swiped at my legs. Unfortunately, I was wearing short shorts and he scraped me a bit just behind my knee. He didn't break enough skin to do any damage, but it was definitely an adrenaline rush for a while.

It then took a couple of hours to get down to the crater, but once there, we immediately saw that this game drive would be unlike any other we have ever been on. The crater was one big open space, so instead of having to drive around little trails for hours trying to find various animals, they were all they together. To add to the list of animals that we had never seen prior to this trip, we saw a black rhino, hundreds of flamingos, and a cheetah up close! The cheetah was an awesome find; it was laying in the brush just a few meters from the side of the dirt road and then stood up for a minute just in time for the perfect picture. The other highlight happened just a little while later when we saw two lions hunting down some zebras. As lions got closer, the zebras packed up and started pawing their hooves. Apparently the lions were intimidated by the amount of zebras all bunched up together, so at the last minutes, the two breeds walked on by each other. It was incredible to see!

After the two days of safaris, we took a flight out to Zanzibar Island where we spent the rest of our vacation on a beautiful white sand beach. The girls LOVED the beach, and they loved swimming with us. We all went swimming every day and often several times a day. Both girls developed their early swimming skills fairly well between the ocean and the pools at our hotels from the game drives. Taelyn is often hesitant about going under water, but Justin got her to practice being a hippo by blowing bubbles as she put her head under water. She also scaled an entire circumference of a pool by hanging on to the side and moving all around the pool. Kaelia showed a fearless joy of the water too. She liked to jump in to the pool/ocean, waiting for one of us to catch her. Many times, she jumped in without waiting for us and went right under water. She was a champ! She held her breath under water and immediately picked herself up with a smile. She absolutely loved going under water and playing with us. Both girls also enjoyed running into and away from the waves in the ocean.

Aside from swimming, the girls also enjoyed scoping out the beach for seashells and creatures. Taelyn started collecting seashells the first day on the beach as a present to bring home to her nanny, Niki. She also kept a few for herself - especially those that reminded her of an ice cream cone. One of her ice cream cones, however, gave us all quite a surprise. After Taelyn had been playing with it for about 20 minutes, she handed it over to me and something all of sudden poked out of it. Taelyn's ice cream cone ended up being a tiny hermit crab! We also encountered several dead sea crabs on the beach that intrigued both of the girls. Taelyn enjoyed picking up "Sebastian" (from the Little Mermaid) to play with him while Kaelia was a little more reserved. She touched him from time to time, but any time we tried to get her to hold him, she threw him away.

By the end of the trip, we all felt relaxed and satisfied while the girls were a bit homesick. Taelyn started talking about how she missed her cat (a large stuffed animal that sits on her bed) and eventually got upset any time she saw something that reminded her of a cat. By the last day, she even cried when she saw a cat on Kaelia's diaper! What's funny, though, is that once we made it home, she told us that she missed the ocean.

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