Sunday, September 16, 2012

Taelyn's 1st Day of School

Today was the big day... Taelyn had her very first day of school!  She has been waiting for this day for quite some time now, and it definitely lived up to all the excitement.  First, we had to pack her a little snack in her lunch box and get her backpack ready.  Taelyn was eager to get some "school" books from her room to put in to her backpack, but we decided to keep those as home so she could read the books that the school has.

Justin and I took some time off of work to take Taelyn in to school today, and we started with the walk to school at 7:30 this morning.  Taelyn held our hands and talked and talked the entire way.  She kept saying "Maybe we should take the bus.  School is too far away!"  But we made the 600 meter walk without any problems.

Once we got in to the school, Taelyn immediately checked out all of the toys and particularly liked the dress-up clothes and the play kitchen.  When it was time to gather with the other boys and girls, two little girls came up to Taelyn and started holding her hands.  It was precious!  The three T's (Taelyn, Tia, and Tyler) stayed that way for a little while, gave each other little hugs, and then got in line together to enter their class.  They were instant friends!

When it was time to pick Taelyn up from school later on, she told me that she couldn't go yet because she didn't have dance class.  I then explained that dance class is only one day a week (on Wednesdays) and that she will go tomorrow, so there is another first that she is looking forward to.

Once we got back home, I asked her all about her first day of school.  Immediately she told me that kids say naughty things.  Apparently she was crawling out of the sand box during recess and some kids started laughing, saying her bottom was sticking out.  Taelyn thought this was hilarious because she loves to talk about how her "butt is sticking out" all the time when her pants fall down a bit.  And we prepped her ahead of time by telling her that she couldn't talk about her butt at school, but to her surprise, she could and did talk about it!  Taelyn also told me that she was making a funny face and a kid said that was ugly.  We learned today that ugly in South Africa actually means naughty, so I guess the comment wasn't that bad although Taelyn is right: kids do say naughty things!  The final comment that Taelyn mentioned about her first day of school was that she got lady bugs stamped on to her hands because she sang "very well and nicely."  She couldn't remember what songs she sang, but she was very excited about the stamps.

Overall, it was a fantastic first day, and Taelyn got to celebrate with a treat that she made at school: a car made out of candy!  Needless to say, she is eager to go back tomorrow and to try out dance class.